iHeartRadio Logo

The iHeartRadio logo is the primary means of identifying our company, and should never be recreated or otherwise manipulated. This is essential to maintain a consistent presentation of our identity.

  • Includes: AI, EPS, PDF and PNG files of the below versions

Primary Logotype

Secondary Logotype

Brand in Type

Primary:       iHeartRadio


The iHeartRadio logo should always be surrounded by a minimum area of space. The stacked version of the logo should maintain a clearspace margin equal to the width divided by three. The horizontal version should maintain a clearspace equal to the width divided by nine. 

Stacked Logo minimum size:

  • 100 pixels

  • 1.4 Inches

  • 3.5 cm


Horizontal logo minimum size:

  • 300px

  • 4.2 inches

  • 10.6 centimeters


Special Use Semi-Stack Version “For Special use only”

(Please email brand@iheartmedia.com for permission)